


  • Lower total intervention costs
  • Ensure fast deployment, rig up, and rig down
  • Open intervention treatments to more wells

  • 将关闭井带回生产
  • Well cleanout, scale, and solids control operations
  • Fracturing or reperforating zones



Catenary coiled tubing (CT) services from Baker Hughes let you conduct effective well interventions even when small platforms prevent placing CT equipment and operations on the topsides.

Our proven catenary CT services place the CT reel, pumping equipment, and other ancillary equipment onto nearby, smaller floating vessels or catenary barges. This eliminates the need to lift CT equipment onto a platform with limited deck space. As a result, offshore wells that were previously inaccessible to conventional CT equipment can undergo efficient interventions and be brought back to profitable production.


Catenary CT services have been successfully deployed using theSand-Vac™ cleanout systemwith a specially designed concentric reel and string for an intervention on four offshore wells in Asia Pacific. High sand production blocked access to the producing zones in the lower completion, thus shutting in the wells for years.

但是,通过连接到从附近的驳船连接到平台的无线连接CT单元,Sand-Vac和CCT溶液从四个井中恢复了超过7个公吨 - 没有安全事件或相关的停机时间。干预后,操作员从四个井中经历了185%的预期日常生产增加。

联系我们,了解Baker Hughes的Cutenary CT服务如何让您更有效地更有效地执行近海良好的干预措施。


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