




卡塔尔天然气公司一直LNG的可靠的全球供应商超过20年。由于它踏上扩建项目增加40%的产能总计110万吨液化天然气,该公司将继续利用技术,使它能够生出完整的LNG供应链模式从勘探到分配相同的战略途径。采用的关键技术已帮助卡塔尔天然气公司实现更大的LNG船,LNG较大的列车,以及多列车设施相结合,优化资本和运营成本。其成熟的技术包括进料气处理,冷藏,NGL回收,和回收硫。如今,该公司继续与承包商,供应商和股东合作,利用技术进步,以提高它的经营方式。在航运方面,其Q-Max和Q-FLEX船舶设计和建造者为LNG航运业的技术里程碑。LNG船的大小传统增长小步。但在箱内晃动负荷突破性的研究使容量高达提高到50% - 从对Q-Max的145,000 m3至266000立方米典型的容器大小。这些船包括低速柴油发动机是多个热比汽轮机的效率,燃烧较少的燃料,并且具有比当时的传统设计的排放量降低30%。该公司目前正在调查LNG作为船用燃料,同时考虑到即将到来的低硫法规。 Qatargas has set up a 1 billion jetty boil-off gas (JBOG) recovery facility that helps minimize flaring at the loading dock in Ras Laffan Industrial City. The JBOG commenced operation in October 2014, and has recovered 90% of the boil-off gas that was previously flared. It collects the boil-off gas, and sends it to a central compressor, after which it is sent to fuel LNG plants. Qatargas also maintains a robust flare-management program that, along with other initiatives successfully reduced overall flare intensity by 70% between 2011 and 2018. There is already a plan in place to further reduce flaring in the next five years. Waste water is another key area of interest at Qatargas. The Zero Liquid Discharge Project was successfully completed in its refineries, and a new waste water recycling plant leveraging the latest technologies is well underway. As digitization is more and more prevalent, cyber security is a growing concern. In response, Qatargas decided to build a state-of-the-art security operation centre to defend its system 24/7.


Khalid Bin Khalifa Al Thani

Khalid Bin Khalifa Al Thani

Mr. Khalid bin Khalifa Al Thani has been the Chief Executive Officer of Qatargas Operating Company Limited (Qatargas) since May 30, 2010. He recently spearheaded the successful integration of the State of Qatar’s two liquefied natural gas (LNG) giants – Qatargas and RasGas – leading Qatargas to be the largest producer of LNG in the world with an...